Saturday, January 11, 2020

Lodestar (Keeper of the Lost Cities #5) by Shannon Messenger


Events in this book weren't as tight and held together as in the last book, but there were a lot of very interesting developments! The Lodestar itself was a good central theme, and readers can think themselves clever if they figure out the connection to the modified registry files before it's revealed in the book. As usual, a lot of surprises occur at the very end, setting the stage for the next installment.

Incidentally, I'm getting a bit irritated at how frequently everyone says, "That makes sense." It's not confined to one person's manner of speaking, and it seems equally used among multiple characters, old and young. It just seems like a clunky way to ensure that whatever explanation or conjecture is put forward will be accepted, no matter how unlikely or how little evidence there really is to point in that direction. When used as a simple phrase of acknowledgement, I just think a little variety would be welcome, e.g., "Okay," "I get it," "I understand," etc.

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