Sunday, April 22, 2012

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)


*** Warning!! This review contains spoilers!! ***

Wow, am I really giving this movie 4 stars?! I totally got sucked in way more than I thought I would. Little Caesar was so cute, so human, that I couldn't help but root for him - even though I knew that his rise would mean the fall of the entire human race! 

Caesar's sense of "humanity" was moving - and by "humanity" I mean his kindred connection with his fellow primates, and his respect for human life.

I know it's sci-fi, but I actually got a little worried, wondering how the U.S. National Guard might take down a powerful mob of intelligent primates. I expected the human race to fall at the hands of the primates, so the way it actually unfolded at the very end was an interesting twist. If a super virus really was on the loose - well, okay, I'd have to assume that in real life, Franklin would have been quarantined immediately after having been exposed to the gas, so it wouldn't actually have had a chance to spread. Alright, alright, I know, it's just a movie - I just can't believe how much it sucked me in!


  1. Completely agree Irene! I'm glad I finally saw it!

  2. Glad you liked it! It actually wasn't even on my radar as a to-watch movie. Ken had picked it up at the library, and I really didn't have much interest in it, but I was just so surprised how quickly I was totally drawn into it.
