Monday, February 23, 2015

Lincoln (2012)


On an educational and artistic level, I would give this movie 5 stars. All I knew about the Civil War I learned in high school, and I had no idea such politics were at play regarding the timing of the passage of the 13th Amendment and the ending of the Civil War. I also didn't know anything about Abraham Lincoln the person, and the movie's depiction of his wife and his interactions with his children and other people in general just really humanized him.

However, ultimately I'm giving this movie 4 stars because I just sometimes got so confused. Maybe that's more a statement about me than the movie - or how tired I was when I watched it - but I think I'm a fairly intelligent person, yet I still had trouble understanding what exactly convinced some Democrats to change their vote.

Also, for a movie titled "Lincoln", it seemed to have a relatively narrow focus. I think I expected a biopic, but this movie was more a snapshot of how Lincoln pushed through the 13th Amendment. We do get a glimpse of his personal life while he was in office, but we don't see or learn anything about Lincoln's childhood, or how he became the man that he was.

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