Sunday, April 10, 2011

Emma (1996)


1996 was apparently a good year for Emma, what with two movies having been made!

While I think Gwenyth Paltrow captured Emma perfectly, none of the other character portrayals particularly impressed me. Mr. Knightley didn't have the air of importance I expected, and though Harriet's part was well-acted, she had to grow on me.

The movie took quite a few liberties with the book. But even while some important scenes were omitted, I was impressed that several good lines and scenes that both other adaptations left out were included. The "added" scenes served to increase the role of Harriet, but unfortunately that was done at the expense of Frank Churchill and Jane Fairfax, who were marginalized.

As a Hollywood production, the costumes and sets were especially lovely compared to other productions, and there was a bit of humor that matched the book's.


  1. Ugh, i'm annoyed I didn't leave a comment here back when I watched it, because I don't remember this one at all anymore! I'm using YOUR blog to put MY notes because I don't have any where else to put them, and I want to remember whether I liked one or not. Now I'll have to go re-watch this one!

  2. Alrighty, I managed to find a trailer on imdb, and just from watching that clip, I can remember I liked the casting of Jane most in this one, and did not like Frank Churchill's hair! and I did like this Mr. Knightley, they had good chemistry together. Overall, I think I liked this one pretty well. But Frank's hair really bothered me.

  3. hm, ok, so on netflix, i guess I did rate these, and gave this one a 4 star. The 1996 and 2009, I gave 5 stars.
