In this book, there were just too many instances of the girls and the fairies not stepping up to challenges.
When the girls find Sky the Blue Fairy, she is trapped in ice that was created by the close proximity of Jack Frost's goblins. Rachel and Kirsty spent all of no time trying to come up with a way to rescue Sky by themselves, which was all the more disappointing because they did manage to melt ice to rescue Fern.
Rachel: "Poor Sky! We have to rescue her! But how can we melt all that ice?"
Kirsty: "I know! Why don't we look in our magic bags?"
Rescuing Sky also involved getting some help from some friendly crabs, but I was bothered because the crabs really didn't do anything that the girls couldn't have done themselves.
Finally, when the other Rainbow Fairies see that Sky is weak and needs help, instead of putting their heads together to figure out a way to help Sky themselves, Ruby the Red Fairy says:
"We must think of something to help Sky! Oh, I know! Let's ask Bertram for his advice!"
Sure, Bertram is helpful, but his solution isn't anything the fairies couldn't have come up with themselves.
At first, I was also bothered when Bertram said, "You must all stay close to the pot so that I can protect you." But then I remembered - I think the Rainbow Fairies' magic is limited until they are all together again, so maybe they do need extra protection? Still. Did the King and Queen have to send a male protector?
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