As always, I love the way Lenore Look casually incorporates multiculturalism and diversity. Alvin just happens to be Chinese-American, and his classmates include Nhia, who is Cambodian, and Flea, who wears an eye patch and has a limp.
In fact, it is because Alvin Ho books are usually so inclusive that I am especially disappointed that this particular book featured Alvin pining for a Deluxe Indian Chief outfit, "complete with a huge feather headdress that makes you look like a giant bird!" The book does not in any way show any intent to insult Native American Indians, but in this day and age of cultural diversity, I would think the author and the publisher would know better than to perpetuate racially insensitive play. Would the author have been okay writing about a white boy who pined for a Chinese play outfit, complete with a conical rice hat and a fake Fu Manchu mustache?
That aside, the rest of the book does make for an entertaining story. Alvin faces his fears and learns "to do the right thing". Without the bit about playing Indians, I would have given the book 4 or maybe even 5 stars.
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