Monday, September 30, 2019

Keeper of the Lost Cities (Keeper of the Lost Cities #1) by Shannon Messenger


Super derivative and frequently reminded me of Harry Potter. Sophie, like Harry, was a pre-teen who had only ever known a human existence when suddenly she finds out she is something else. They were both whisked away to a special school in a secret world hidden from humans. They feel inadequate for not understanding the ways of "their people", yet they are both uniquely more advanced than their peers in special ways. Light leaping is analogous to apparating and disapparating, and Keefe's dad reminded me a lot of Lucius Malfoy.

All that said, even if this work is derivative, my son says it gets more original in future books, and my daughter points out that at least it's well-executed. I'll have to keep reading to see if I agree with my son, but I can say I do agree with my daughter. Characters are engaging, the plot is intriguing. What exactly is the big secret of Sophie's existence?! Sophie's crush is a little eye-rolling, but it's all age-appropriate. I also really like that Sophie seems to have a good head on her shoulders. Most of the time, she properly turns to adults in times of crisis, and when she doesn't, the repurcusions are swift.

I'm giving the book short of 5 stars because it kind of irks me the way Marella and Jensi were just dropped. They were the first to reach out to Sophie in school, not knowing anything about her, and I think they deserved more consideration than they got! At one point, Sophie has a falling out with some people and laments that she "had no friends". But what about Marella and Jensi!? Apparently they are chopped liver.

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